Lupin graines semences seeds


Description :
Lupins are perennial or annual plants belonging to the genus Lupinus. They are prized for their spikes of colourful flowers, which add height and texture to gardens. As well as their beauty, lupins enrich the soil with nitrogen thanks to their symbiotic root nodules.

Sowing: in the ground, in pots

Sowing advice :

  • Direct sowing in the open ground: Sow the seeds in spring or autumn, spacing them 30-50 cm apart. Bury the seeds about 1 cm deep.
  • Sowing in pots: Sow under cover in March-April, then prick out after the last frosts.

Sowing period (under cover): March, April

Sowing period (outdoors): April to May, or September to October

Flowering period: May to July

Growing: in the garden

Exposure: sunny to semi-shade

Water requirements: medium

Soil type: well-drained, light to medium-heavy

Soil quality: slightly acidic to neutral

Plant size : 60 to 120 cm tall

Historical origin of the variety :
Lupins are native to Mediterranean regions and North America. They have been cultivated for centuries for their beauty and their ability to improve soil fertility.

Lupins are mainly grown as ornamental plants for their bright flowers, which attract pollinators. Certain species of lupins are also used as cover crops to improve soil structure and increase its nitrogen content. The seeds of certain varieties can be used in animal and human foodstuffs once they have been properly prepared to eliminate toxic alkaloids.

Publié le :8 juillet 2024  -  Classé sous :Semences