Graines Les semences reproductibles du Mandala Kerbeleg Jardin ()

Our reproducible seedlings distributed with love

Reproducible seeds

Why is this?

Growing our fruit and vegetables initially from non-hybrid, reproducible seeds that we collect in large quantities each season means we can share them with you at will. The Mandala project invites us to multiply the species in a harmonious patchwork of friendly plants. Their seeds are adapted to our soil but will thrive on your balcony or garden. A single harvest is all you need to obtain seeds that can be replanted and shared indefinitely, promoting food self-sufficiency, essential for our well-being and that of the planet. A single ear of maize contains more than 500 seeds, a tomato hundreds, enough to sow a large plot (or share with friends).

On this page you can find out more about the use of these seeds, their history and how to create your own. At Kerbeleg we use no pesticides or chemical fertilisers, so that our plants develop their own immune defences over the years. By growing our own seeds, we enhance biodiversity, reduce our carbon footprint and support sustainable farming practices.


Each little sachet contains a few seeds from our garden. The indications correspond to our temperate oceanic Breton climate and should be adjusted slightly to suit yours. You can sow a little more if your climate is harsher, or a little earlier if it’s milder and sunnier. It’s often tempting to sow earlier in the hope of getting vegetables before everyone else and seeing your “little ones” come into the world. Remember that plants are not, by nature, controlled by the hand of man; it is the weather that dictates their tempo…

Take a little time and enjoy giving life, admiring it blossom and tasting it… Here are the description sheets for the seedlings we reproduce:



Description :Courgette, or Cucurbita pepo, is an annual plant in the Cucurbitaceae family. It is grown for its elongated, green…