Recipes for breakfast

Uncle Fafa’s “Bee & Cicada” loaf, your breakfast bread recipe

Like all our guests, you have been or will be discovering our homemade bread “Abeille & Cigale”. Our bread recipe has been created with you in mind, and is prepared with passion so that every morning you can enjoy a crisp breakfast. This recipe combines a subtle hint of honey and a generous amount of […]

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Published on: 24 February 2024  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s rhubarb and rosemary jam

From its giant leaves, visible from the end of the Mandala kitchen garden, we’ve concocted a delicious breakfast recipe. We’ve added a generous infusion of our aromatic garden rosemary. A real treat on a slice of Uncle Fafa’s ‘Bee & Cicada’ bread and a knob of salted butter. Ingredients Recipe The magic of Rosemary : […]

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Published on: 31 July 2023  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Câline’s gingerbread

Each time she comes to Kerbeleg, Câline aux fourneaux treats us to a few delicacies or delicious “grandma’s” dishes for which she shares her secrets and tricks. As Christmas approaches, it is her legendary gingerbread, to be sliced thinly and toasted at the last minute to spread all kinds of terrines and aperitif mixtures on. […]

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Published on: 22 December 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s recipe for “Les ÉCUREUILS” vegetarian hazelnut cake

A savoury companion to Kerbeleg breakfasts, picnic outings or fireside aperitifs, this delicious recipe is sure to delight gourmets and rodents of all kinds… Ingredients You can replace the hazelnuts with other types of nut. Preparation time 15min, for 5-6 people : Recipe

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Published on: 2 October 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s Brittany amandines

Of course there are the unavoidable palets and galettes de Pont Aven, but this little crunchy shortbread delicacy will make the little and big gourmets in the house put their hands in the pot until the last crumb of toasted almond… Ingredients Accessories Recipe

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Published on: 18 July 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s cherry & lavender jam

The delicate aroma of lavender wonderfully complements the taste of the fragile cherry. A real treat for breakfast on a slice of Uncle Fafa’s “Bee & Cicada” bread. Ingredients Recipe

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Published on: 16 July 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s strawberry & thyme jam

The subtle and discreet aroma of garden thyme enhances this classic strawberry jam with a hint of Provencal herb to brighten up your breakfast bread slices. A real delight with a dab of Breton salted butter on a slice of Uncle Fafa’s “Bee & Cicada” bread. Ingredients Accessories Recipe

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Published on: 7 May 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast

Aunt Nana’s orange & cinnamon jam

This delicious jam is a good substitute for classic orange marmalade or jelly. Mixing before cooling will allow it to develop a unique taste. A real treat for breakfast on a slice of Uncle Fafa’s “Bee & Cicada” bread. Ingredients Recipe

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Published on: 5 May 2022  -  Filed under: Recipes for breakfast