Récolte mandala Octobre assortiment légumes ()

Quand la mu00e9tu00e9o repousse le temps des ru00e9coles

A difficult year

It’s an understatement to say that this year, with its rare rainfall, has been a daily challenge to keep the plants germinating under glass in the spring alive. No ice saints, but countless slugs!

These fearsome predators feasted on our vegetables. It’s a race against time between the season’s rare rays of sunshine and the rainy mornings, calling for these voracious slugs to gather.

It’s been a tough year, but it’s not over yet. The vegetables are finally appearing and we’re enjoying these mini harvests, which are far too late. A few tomatoes, survivors of the devastating blight in October, give our plates a touch of summer.

Published on: 19 December 2024  -  Filed under: Garden and Vegetable Garden