Maïs True Gold - Récolte - les paniers du jardin potager mandala kerbeleg

True Gold” yellow sweetcorn

This variety produces spikes around 20 cm long with yellow seeds on 2 m high plants. They are high in zeaxanthin, one of the main protective pigments for the eyes.

Sowing : in the ground, in rows, broadcast, in pots
Sowing advice: Sow directly into the ground, after the last frosts, 1 seed every 30 cm, in rows 70 cm apart. Cover the seeds with 3 cm of fine soil. Till the plants when they are 15 to 20 cm high.
Sowing period (under cover): April
Sowing period (outdoors): May, June
Harvest time: August, September, October
Growing : in the garden
Exposure: sunny
Water requirement: medium
Soil type: all soil types
Soil quality: drained, cool, loose

Maïs True Gold Récolte les paniers du jardin potager mandala kerbeleg Beurre

Latin name : Zea mays
Earliness : mid-season
Shape : elongated
Colour : yellow
Type of maize : sweet
Plant size : 150 to 200 cm
Fruit size : 20 to 30 cm

Historical origin of variety: United States
Description: Developed by Alan Kapuler of Peace Seeds from an F1 hybrid: “Golden Jubilee” – very popular in the 1950s – at the Seeds of Change experimental farm in the United States. For over thirty years, Mushroom has been working to de-hybridise the best F1 maize hybrids, which were produced, let’s not forget, from the best OP varieties, i.e. the best old open-pollinated maize varieties.

Use : They contain a lot of zeaxanthin, a carotenoid that gives maize its yellow colour and helps to improve eyesight.

Published on: 27 May 2024  -  Filed under: Seeds