General terms and conditions of sale

The owner undertakes to welcome guests personally with all due care and attention, so as to make their stay easier and help them get to know the region better.

Booking formalities

Once payment has been confirmed, the customer will receive an email confirming their order, together with details of their stay, name of room, number of nights, breakfast, means and times of access. When you receive the email, please check your full contact details and mobile phone number so that we can contact you in the event of an emergency or a change to your booking.

Room prices

Rates are per night per room, including breakfast and tourist tax. They vary according to whether the room is occupied by one or more people.

Maximum capacity


– Les Oiseaux” & “Les Ours” rooms

2 adults
or 1 adult minimum 1 child over 3 per room

– Family room “Les Oiseaux

2 adults 1 or 2 children over 3 years of age


Large Family Suite

6 persons including 2 adults minimum and children over 3 (for safety reasons, only the family suiteLes Écureuils” can accommodate children under 3)

Suite “Les Écureuils

sleeps 4, including at least 1 adult and 1 or 2 children

Reservations are made for a specific number of people. If the number of guests exceeds this number, the owner is entitled to refuse additional guests. This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or breach of contract on the initiative of the owner, but is the responsibility of the person who has made the reservation.

Miscellaneous charges and tourist tax

The total price of the reservation includes charges and tourist tax, a local tax that the customer must pay to the owner, who then passes it on to the community of Quimperlé, as detailed in the invoices. The booking is considered confirmed once payment has been received.

Cancellation of stay by the customer

Any change to a booking is only possible with the prior agreement of the owner and may be subject to additional charges depending on availability on the date of the change. If the cancellation is made more than 15 calendar days before the date of arrival, the amount paid by the client will be refunded in full, minus the card payment charges*, unless the client has benefited from a preferential ‘non-refundable’ rate. After this date, the reservation remains the property of the owner in the same way as for early departure during the stay. No cancellation insurance is included in our prices.

*Cancellation fees :

  • 10 + 1.5% of the amount reimbursed for standard cards from the European Economic Area
  • 10 + 1.9% of the amount refunded for premium cards from the European Economic Area
  • 10 + 2.5% of the amount refunded for UK cards + 2% in the event of currency conversion
  • 10 + 3.25% of the amount refunded for other international cards + 2% in the event of currency conversion

Cancellation of the stay by the owner

Without prejudice to any claims for damages, the customer will either be reimbursed immediately for the sums paid, or offered an alternative date or room which he/she may refuse.

Arrival and departure times

The customer must arrive on the day specified at the time chosen at the time of booking and must give advance notice by telephone or email if, due to unforeseen circumstances, he/she is obliged to arrive after the time slot chosen. Rooms must be vacated by 11am at the latest.

Mobility & safety

For people with reduced mobility or parents bringing children under 4, only the “Les ÉCUREUILS” suite has single beds on the ground floor. The stone staircase leading to the “Les OURS” and “Les OISEAUX” rooms is not suitable for very young children who may temporarily lose constant adult supervision.

Breakfast & Meals

Breakfast is served twenty minutes before or after the 8.30am to 10.30am time slot at the latest.

We only serve breakfast. No meals may be taken in the rooms. For reasons of hygiene and cleanliness, food is not permitted in rooms and suites. We do not keep any food from our visitors during their stay, only medicines that need to be stored in a refrigerator are accepted.

Communal areas

Under no circumstances may the number of people occupying rooms exceed the number stipulated at the time of booking, failing which the rental will be cancelled without refund. No third party may have access to the property without the prior written agreement of the owner.

Any subletting or change of tenant is strictly prohibited. In the event of disruption or failure to comply with these conditions, the owner reserves the right to terminate the stay without notice.

The communal areas may not be used for parties, except with the prior agreement of the owners or under special conditions.

The kitchen and dining room are private, except for breakfast. Other meals cannot be taken at Kerbeleg.

No smoking

The rooms and interior communal areas are strictly non-smoking, including electronic cigarettes.


Transport to and from Kerbeleg is the sole responsibility of visitors and must be booked in advance. We do not provide shuttle services to nearby train stations.


An invoice is available on request after departure with details of the service provided, the amount of the accommodation, the amount of any additional services and the amount of the tourist tax.

Change of rooms

It is possible that the owner, for reasons of service or security, may have to change the room initially booked by the customer. In this case, the change will always be made to a room of the same capacity and offering the same or a higher level of service.


Pets are not permitted. In the event of a customer’s departure due to the refusal of their pet, no refund will be made for their reservation.

Rest and use of the premises

In order to preserve the tranquillity of the premises and the comfort of all, we ask our visitors to respect the essential rules of community living.

So as not to risk embarrassing your next-door neighbours and vice versa, we prefer to reserve our rooms Les OURS and Les OISEAUX exclusively for families with children aged 3 and over.


It is strictly forbidden to use any naked flame (matches, candles, etc.) on the premises

Respect for the premises

Customers undertake to return the rooms in perfect condition at the end of their stay and to declare systematically and assume financially any damage for which they may be responsible. Customers’ attention is drawn to the fact that minors on the property are under the sole and entire responsibility of their parents or guardians.

Length of stay

Under no circumstances may the customer claim any right to remain in the property. Any acceptance of an extension to a booking is at the discretion of the owner and subject to his prior approval.

Other requests

For any special requirements or if there is any doubt about the availability of a service or accessory, in order to avoid misunderstandings and cancellation of the stay, the request must be made and accepted in writing before the reservation is made.

These conditions of sale are subject to change without notice.