kerbeleg 1962 cheval furic cuisine

Winter 2020, 35° in Singapore…

Our lives are about to change radically, as this venture into life abroad comes to a sudden end after twenty years, and we prepare to leave behind us banana plantations, monkeys, lizards and slobbering monitor lizards from South-East Asia to rediscover apple trees, calves, cows, pigs from our own backyard and, at the end of a shady lane, Kerbeleg, our new home.

The confinement in the city-state is long and rigorous enough to allow us to prepare our repatriation properly and launch work to give this pretty house a new lease of life.

This blog will allow you to follow, if you feel like it, the many transformations, many of them technically necessary, others for greater comfort, which will soon allow us to welcome friends and family in the best possible conditions.

Mr Furic’s horse in front of the barn (1962), seen from Daddy & Grany’s future bedroom, which will soon become our kitchen (October 2020)

Published on: 1 January 2020  -  Filed under: Renovations and upgrades