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The Mandala Project

Water: Life!

Connecting our well to our vegetable garden: a crucial step towards food self-sufficiency.

We’ve had this idea in the back of our minds for a while: to connect our well to the centre of our Mandala vegetable garden. It’s now an absolute necessity for all gardeners concerned about the environment and efficiency in the garden.

We’ll be growing a variety of delicious, healthy vegetables that we hope will feed us throughout the year. But there’s one thing that’s bothering us: watering.

At the moment, we use a traditional hosepipe connected to the town’s water network. It works, of course, but I can’t help thinking about all the wasted drinking water. Tap water is a precious resource and, unfortunately, we often take it for granted. But it’s not an inexhaustible resource, and it’s our duty to preserve it.

It’s time to switch to a more sustainable and ecological method: connecting the old well to our vegetable garden.

As well as saving a considerable amount of water – the mains water supply is not ideal for watering our plants – we want to be even more respectful of our environment and ecological cycles.

A simple pump and a lot of elbow grease to dig the 40 metres of trenches to the centre of the circle later, the water finally gushes out at the heart of the vegetable garden paradise.

Published on: 29 June 2023  -  Filed under: The Mandala